
Doxology: A liturgical formula of praise to God.

Docsology: A doctor merging medical science and stories in praise to God. 

As a physician, I regularly have the privilege to walk alongside a person grappling with a perplexing illness.  In their case healing often involves not just a medication, but also a narration – a medical account that demystifies symptoms that seem terrifying or insurmountable.  All of us need someone to make sense of our stories.

Even outside my practice, I am frequently asked to recount interesting medical cases I have seen. People are fascinated by disease, and almost everyone has questions about the human body. Why not harness this natural affinity to teach vital truths?

I believe that aspects of God’s revelation to us can be expressed through medical narrative with clarity and power.  I want to explore how God has imprinted hallmarks of his being in nature, especially in the intricacies of the human body.

As a practicing doctor and a medical educator, I have for years been attempting to “translate” medical complexities into understandable concepts for my patients and my students.  That translation work has often extended outward to family, friends, and fellow church members.  Now I want to extend this teaching to you, as well.

A friend of mine once noted that doctors have a front row seat to the passion and drama of life.  In Docsology, I invite you to sit next to me in this gripping drama.


Dr. Bill Maynard is a magna cum laude graduate of Vanderbilt University with a degree in physics. He earned his MD from the University of Tennessee and completed his residency in internal medicine at the University of Virginia. For over two decades he served as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee before becoming the Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine residency training program at Centennial Medical Center in Nashville.

In addition to caring for patients, he is an award-winning medical educator, who has taught or practiced medicine on five continents including such diverse settings as mountaintop villages in the Andes, rural clinics in Africa, and universities in Asia.

He and his wife Faye live in Nashville, Tennessee and are the parents of two grown sons.  His personal interests include hiking, travel, culture, and composing and performing music. 


Essays that explain medical science and human illness while exploring spiritual truths. 



Audio recordings of Dr. Maynard teaching from the Bible, often using medical analogies. 

Sound Waves


These songs are intended to reinforce the lessons and writings and help you experience the grace of God.

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