
We are designed to sense and engage God with everything that we are: listening, tasting, touching, beholding, receiving, and responding.  One of my responses to the work of God in my life is music.  It has become my expression of journaling.  I am an amateur musician, but I hope that these songs can reinforce the lessons and writings and help you experience the grace of God.

Lovely Mystery

Lovely Mystery

For years our paths have blended, and our plots have intertwined

The wonder’s never ended, and there is so much more to find. 

I’m so glad to be in this beautiful mystery.

Every Season

Every Season

I love you every season, loveliest of wildflowers,

As we grow together year to year and hour to hour.

You are brushed with God’s colors like a garden grows,

And everything you touch blooms, my beautiful, blooming rose. 

Living Vows

Living Vows

Living Vows

I am posting this song for my lovely wife, Faye, in honor of our 32nd anniversary, which is June 23, 2022.

Imitating a wonderful tradition passed on to us by her parents, we repeat our vows every year.  I wrote this song to honor and reinforce that tradition and to celebrate our marriage!

The idea is that just as our unity and love grow each year, so our understanding of the vows deepens, so that truly the vows are alive, maturing with us.  “I said that I love you, and I am affirming that again and again.”  Or as the song says: “I said that I would and I will/I said that I did and I do.”  And, my beautiful bride, I still do.

Sabbath of the Heart

Sabbath of the Heart

Like a child on a Sabbath night, dreamy-eyed in the candlelight
Expectant yet restful, eager but secure. 
In the timeless interplay – the sacred and the everyday
The holy yet humble, the passionate and pure. 

Road To Hana

Road To Hana

And being last of all, taking our sweet time, that is how we won the race that day, the competition to see who could enjoy the wonders of God the most. 

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