Doxology: A liturgical formula of praise to God.

Docsology: A doctor merging medical science and stories in praise to God.

As a Christian physician, I believe that medical storytelling can clearly and powerfully illustrate spiritual realities.  Docsology explores what we can learn about God from nature, especially in the intricacies of the human body, and how the stories of suffering people reveal God’s character and love. 

                                                                             – Dr. Bill Maynard



Essays that explain medical science and human illness while exploring spiritual truths.

The Vaccine Variations, Part 4 (How Many?)

The Vaccine Variations, Part 4 (How Many?)

The success of a vaccine strategy is based on the concept of herd immunity, so anyone who dismisses the herd immunity principle and says they are relying instead on a vaccine may be throwing out the baby with the bath water.

Most likely, controlling the pandemic through herd immunity will involve some combination of natural immunity (for those who have already been infected) and vaccine-induced immunity to put us as a whole population over the threshold.


Audio recordings of Dr. Maynard teaching from the Bible, often using medical analogies.

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These songs are intended to reinforce the lessons and writings and help you experience the grace of God.

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