Doxology: A liturgical formula of praise to God.

Docsology: A doctor merging medical science and stories in praise to God.

As a Christian physician, I believe that medical storytelling can clearly and powerfully illustrate spiritual realities.  Docsology explores what we can learn about God from nature, especially in the intricacies of the human body, and how the stories of suffering people reveal God’s character and love. 

                                                                             – Dr. Bill Maynard



Essays that explain medical science and human illness while exploring spiritual truths.

Moving – and Unmoved – in Our Faith

Moving – and Unmoved – in Our Faith

In the sense that God is in control of all things, that he is sovereign over all and has a perfect plan that he will faithfully carry out – we are exactly where we are supposed to be.  A providential God has appointed our times and places.  He uses the pleasant and the painful for his wise purposes.  Every challenge presents a faith opportunity.  We must be always on the move – and yet unmoved – in our faith. 

Sensing God – A New Series

Sensing God – A New Series

A brain tumor in her left parietal lobe caused a condition of right-sided neglect we refer to as “hemiagnosia.”  She experienced a baffling unawareness of her right side, literally failing to recognize it as part of “herself,” leading to complete disregard for half of her own body. 


Audio recordings of Dr. Maynard teaching from the Bible, often using medical analogies.

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These songs are intended to reinforce the lessons and writings and help you experience the grace of God.


I’ve been wounded by the one who bears the wounds of love,
And carry in this mortal flesh his dying.

The World Is Being Shaken

The world is on fire today,
The might of man has been swept away
In smoke and ash and toppling towers
And everything that we felt secure,
The strength and glory we thought so sure
Have vanished like a dream in just an hour.

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