Doxology: A liturgical formula of praise to God.

Docsology: A doctor merging medical science and stories in praise to God.

As a Christian physician, I believe that medical storytelling can clearly and powerfully illustrate spiritual realities.  Docsology explores what we can learn about God from nature, especially in the intricacies of the human body, and how the stories of suffering people reveal God’s character and love. 

                                                                             – Dr. Bill Maynard



Essays that explain medical science and human illness while exploring spiritual truths.

The Message of Creation: Mastery and Brilliance

The Message of Creation: Mastery and Brilliance

In each of us God has crammed about ten billion tiny capillaries, and the total mileage of capillaries in the combined arterial system of just one human body is over 60,000 miles. Yes, inside your body is a roadway network long enough to circle the world more than twice!

The Message of Creation: Glory and Beauty

The Message of Creation: Glory and Beauty

Humans have always been tempted to worship the creation because it is so impressive.  We laugh at frolicking dolphins and cringe at snapping sharks.  How should we react to the composer of birdsong and the painter of sunsets?  What must it be to behold his face?  Gather up all the fear, rapture, and peace that you have ever experienced in nature.  Now multiply it to infinity!


Audio recordings of Dr. Maynard teaching from the Bible, often using medical analogies.

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These songs are intended to reinforce the lessons and writings and help you experience the grace of God.

Spring Beauty

Spring Beauty

Now life is short, like springtime, so we must work while it is day.

But everything in  season, so take my hand, it’s time for play!



TAPESTRY Written for Valentine's Day 2021     TAPESTRY Our moments seem to wander loose, like threads that are unwound. In colors, shapes, and textures that seem aimless and unbound, But if you view them rightly, then a picture will unveil, And intertwining...

Children’s Eyes

Children’s Eyes

But this feeling?  This fierce, overpowering delight?  Could God above have feelings toward me (and you) that are remotely like this?  The answer is an emphatic yes!   

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