This song is about the mystery of marriage and the joy of continually discovering things in the person you love.  This is in honor of my dear wife Faye, who is currently away for a few weeks on an adventure!


Lovely Mystery

I can read you like a book; I know the plot, its every twist.

But then I find the pages were stuck, and there’s a chapter that I missed!

It’s plain to see: you’re a beautiful mystery.


Love is deep;  who can know

Unfathomed depths that lie below?

But let’s keep plunging deeply

Into the mystery, the mystery, this lovely mystery. 


I know you like a favorite walk; and relish each familiar sight.

But sometimes there’s a different look In another kind of light.

It’s plain to see: there’s more lovely scenery.


For years our paths have blended, and our plots have intertwined

The wonder’s never ended, and there is so much more to find.

I’m so glad to be in this beautiful mystery.


Dr. Bill Maynard