This song is about three decisive moments in the history of humankind.  Each took place in a Garden, and they are all similar in many regards.  Each marked our failure, but also showed how God lovingly conquers amid our sin and stumbling.

The first garden (Eden) was the scene of the fall of guilty humanity.  Do not blame Adam and Eve.  They were our representatives.  The were the best of us.  The greatest of humanity failed, and so would you and I.

The other garden moments are different, but no less decisive.  As Adam failed in the garden of Eden, Jesus, also our representative and truly the greatest of all of mankind, triumphed in a garden: the Garden of Gethsemane.  And the third garden, the Garden Tomb (pictured in the featured image), was the location of his ultimate victory as he rose from the grave, achieving victory over sin and death.

This song is about how God shows up in those crucial moments and how he speaks and acts as our creator, shepherd, and master.  How will we respond?  What will we do if we hear his voice today?


If You Hear His Voice Today


Guilty in the garden, naked and ashamed,

The fearful couple hid from God, while he called their name.

Still our maker seeks the lost and lovingly pursues,

Calling to the fallen, “Where are you?”



All who sin, who grieve, or stray He still calls you today.

Do not harden your heart, believe and obey, if you hear his voice today.


Weary in the garden, those who soon would stray,

The followers of Jesus slumbered as he prayed.

Still our shepherd tends his sheep and watches faithfully,

Calling all who wander, “Stay with me.”


Grieving in the garden, Mary searched and cried,

For Jesus’ tomb lay empty, but then he stood beside.

Still our master conquers death and rolls away each stone,

Risen from the grave to call his own.