This is a love song inspired by a water color painting done by Faye, but ultimately based on her beauty, the abundance of her life, and immediately grounded in our mutual enjoyment of our garden, the seasons, and nature around us.  At first I conceived of a song that celebrated specific seasonal traditions of our lives, based around flowers that bloom during those times of year.  In the end her love of wildflowers and roses kept surfacing.  We both delight in wildflowers’ multitude of shapes, colors, and sizes – so varied and unique are their splendors.  And they are neither sown nor cultivated by man – they are strictly the handiwork of God.

Every Season


Just like the crocus that opens in the snow,

Blossoming brightly when nothing else can grow,

In cold adversity you bring the warmth and promise of the spring.



I love you every season, loveliest of wildflowers,

As we grow together year to year and hour to hour.

You are brushed with God’s colors like a garden grows,

And everything you touch blooms, my beautiful, blooming rose. 


Wildflowers carpet the woodlands in the spring –

So varied and unique the splendors that they bring;

And so your aspects and each face reveal a different side of Grace.


Seasons keep turning, but always toward the fall.

Creation’s yearning for life beyond it all,

But rooted deeply in God’s love, your petals last in praise above.