Moving – and Unmoved – in Our Faith

Moving – and Unmoved – in Our Faith

Happy Returns In the summer of 2018 our family joined some close friends on a tour of Israel.  My wife Faye and I had visited the country before and were thrilled to be returning, especially in the company of our sons. After a few days in Galilee and then the Dead...
A Message at Death’s Door

A Message at Death’s Door

My patient Harry, a 70 year old economics professor, is in for an office visit after a long hospitalization.   Fifty seven days ago, his leaky mitral valve suddenly ruptured, plunging him into florid congestive heart failure.  He showed up in the emergency department...
Sensing God – A New Series

Sensing God – A New Series

A CURIOUS CASE OF NEGLECT Mr. McKnight urges his wife to hurry.  He is anxious to drive her to the doctor.  The middle-aged, previously-healthy homemaker has been acting strangely over the last week, staring vacantly into space, expressing no interest in her usual...
Truth Beyond Change

Truth Beyond Change

DROWNING FROM WITHIN The smothering began subtly – just a mild sense of air hunger when he walked up stairs. Gradually, though, it took less and less exertion to make him breathless.  In response he subconsciously curtailed his activities. Eventually, even at rest the...
Still Stirred, Not Shaken

Still Stirred, Not Shaken

7/25/21 This essay about the COVID-19 pandemic was written in April 2020, hardly a month into the pandemic in the USA.  This is by far the most widely read piece I have written. I am republishing this because the questions asked are truly more relevant now than they...
A COVID Question, Revisited

A COVID Question, Revisited

Today I am re-posting an article originally published on this site in July 2020.  In fact, it was the first writing ever posted on Docsology! Not as medical or scientific as many of my essays about the pandemic, this piece asks broader questions about the personal...