Spring Beauty

Spring Beauty

This is a song about welcoming spring by walking with my wife at Radnor lake…and admiring her beauty above that of the loveliness of the flowers.  Spring beauties (the wildflower pictured here) are some of her favorites. I had better post this before the season...


TAPESTRY Written for Valentine’s Day 2021     TAPESTRY Our moments seem to wander loose, like threads that are unwound. In colors, shapes, and textures that seem aimless and unbound, But if you view them rightly, then a picture will unveil, And...
Children’s Eyes

Children’s Eyes

    CHILDREN’S EYES   Starlight tonight; lightning bugs in jars – Plucked out of the darkness like falling stars. Bright eyes can’t disguise the wonders and the joys, The mysteries within the minds of little boys. My mind can’t find what it is you see,...


    Eternity There are stars in the sky, beyond count or reckoning; And myriad worlds, mysterious and beckoning, Spreading out, racing round, with rushing insistence And dwarfing all our tiny existence. Yet in this immensity where gravity has flung us, God’s...
Stealing Time

Stealing Time

       STEALING TIME   The day is breaking like a shell, And what is hatching who can tell? For time is a mystery we can’t understand – Years slip through our fingers and leave just an instant in our hand.   So let’s steal the dewy...
You’d Take Me Home

You’d Take Me Home

    You’d Take Me Home  At times you’d fail to keep me warm, And you were losing luster from your form. But this one thing you’d do, you were faithful, you were true In fairer weather or in storm:    You’d take me home, you’d take me home.  O sturdy steed of...