Lovely Mystery

Lovely Mystery

  This song is about the mystery of marriage and the joy of continually discovering things in the person you love.  This is in honor of my dear wife Faye, who is currently away for a few weeks on an adventure!   Lovely Mystery I can read you like a book; I...
One Word of Truth

One Word of Truth

    One Word of Truth   One word of truth outweighs the whole world, And so I wave it like a banner unfurled. Grant to me, Lord, to be a sword, Held in the hand of the highest. Enchanted sword!  In your grip! Please, Lord, do not let me slip.   One...
Every Season

Every Season

  This is a love song inspired by a water color painting done by Faye, but ultimately based on her beauty, the abundance of her life, and immediately grounded in our mutual enjoyment of our garden, the seasons, and nature around us.  At first I conceived of a...
Living Vows

Living Vows

  Living Vows I am posting this song for my lovely wife, Faye, in honor of our 32nd anniversary, which is June 23, 2022. Imitating a wonderful tradition passed on to us by her parents, we repeat our vows every year.  Last night our son, Daniel, helped us recite...
Sabbath of the Heart

Sabbath of the Heart

  Sabbath of the Heart Like a child on a Sabbath night, dreamy-eyed in the candlelight, Expectant yet restful, eager but secure. In the timeless interplay – the sacred and the everyday, The holy yet humble, the passionate and pure. CHORUS: So we’re resting in His...
If You Hear His Voice Today (Easter 2022)

If You Hear His Voice Today (Easter 2022)

This song is about three decisive moments in the history of humankind.  Each took place in a Garden, and they are all similar in many regards.  Each marked our failure, but also showed how God lovingly conquers amid our sin and stumbling. The first garden (Eden) was...