The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm

Written 9/15/20 “Squeeze my hand, honey.” Carl cannot stop repeating his plaintive mantra, even though Peggy is still unresponsive.  He continues his vigil at her bedside in the ICU.  It is a lonely watch, especially because the person he loves most in the world is...
You’d Take Me Home

You’d Take Me Home

    You’d Take Me Home  At times you’d fail to keep me warm, And you were losing luster from your form. But this one thing you’d do, you were faithful, you were true In fairer weather or in storm:    You’d take me home, you’d take me home.  O sturdy steed of...
Introducing Your Inner Army

Introducing Your Inner Army

Your Own Private Security Force It is a rough world out there beyond the confines of your body. Viruses, bacteria, and parasites lurk just over the border, ready at any time to storm the gates and ravage your health.  But against these potential invaders, your healthy...
Decoding COVID

Decoding COVID

A Microbial Weapon of Mass Destruction I would like to use the analogy of warfare to explain infectious illnesses.  Accordingly, let’s consider viruses to be like tiny weapons.  I use the term weapon, rather than, say, soldier, because most experts do not consider...
COVID-19 Up Close and Personal

COVID-19 Up Close and Personal

A Life and Death Struggle Sixteen days into Peggy’s illness, her COVID-19 test comes back negative for the second day in a row.  That is good news.  Now her family can visit her in the ICU.  She desperately needs to see her loved ones if she is going to rally the will...