A Silver Lining in the Storm

A Silver Lining in the Storm

Written 11/18/20 Challenges always present opportunities.  As detrimental as the COVID-19 associated complication known as “cytokine storm” (see “The Eye of the Storm” for an introduction) is, it may also open up possible avenues for treatment...
Give Thanks a Chance – Part 2

Give Thanks a Chance – Part 2

Written Thanksgiving Day 2020 “It is good to give thanks…”  Psalm 92:1a I was meeting Mrs. Edwards for the first time.  Her husband was along for the appointment, and he did all the talking for his wife.  I had scarcely introduced myself before he said the words that...
Give Thanks a Chance – Part 1

Give Thanks a Chance – Part 1

Written 11/25/20 An Improbable Joy At age 23 when most of her friends were preoccupied with starting careers and families, Allie was fighting lonely battles in the bathroom.  Bloody diarrhea struck her ten times per day. She could hardly function in her job as a first...
Herd Immunity and the End of the COVID Pandemic

Herd Immunity and the End of the COVID Pandemic

Written 11/7/20 The Herd: Thundering Toward a Tipping Point I want to explain a concept that is vitally important to understanding our current pandemic and where it is headed.  Herd immunity is a term used in epidemiology, and you will hear much about it in the coming...
Battles Within and Without

Battles Within and Without

Written 9/20/20 “Squeeze my hand, honey!” Carl strokes Peggy’s limp hand and mumbles his refrain like an incantation.  Sitting in the dark of the intensive care unit with the faint flickering of monitors and the hypnotic hiss of the ventilator, he feels almost numb. ...