COVID Beginnings and Endings – A Series

COVID Beginnings and Endings – A Series

Rudely Interrupted When I first conceived of Docsology, I set out to demonstrate how the intricate workings of the human body reveal the character of our creator, the God of the Bible.  I expounded on the complexity of DNA and how that shows the brilliance of God.  I...
The Image of God, Part 2

The Image of God, Part 2

“He is the image of the invisible God…” – Colossians 1:15a   Daily Drama Today, as always on my walk to work, I am witness to a momentous drama unfolding in the hospital lobby.  The cavernous room is filled with the broken off parts of...


TAPESTRY Written for Valentine’s Day 2021     TAPESTRY Our moments seem to wander loose, like threads that are unwound. In colors, shapes, and textures that seem aimless and unbound, But if you view them rightly, then a picture will unveil, And...
Resolutions and Relapses – Part 3

Resolutions and Relapses – Part 3

On the Brink   “Can you give me something to just control the diarrhea?  It’s so bad, and I’m so weak that sometimes…” Valerie’s voice trails off.  I know she feels shame and is studying my reaction to what she is about to divulge.  Will I look away or show...