Lovely Mystery

Lovely Mystery

  This song is about the mystery of marriage and the joy of continually discovering things in the person you love.  This is in honor of my dear wife Faye, who is currently away for a few weeks on an adventure!   Lovely Mystery I can read you like a book; I...
New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 3

New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 3

On the Brink   “Can you give me something to just control the diarrhea?  It’s so bad, and I’m so weak that sometimes…” Valerie’s voice trails off.  I know she feels shame and is studying my reaction to what she is about to divulge.  Will I look away or show...
New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 2

New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 2

A Chilling Pronouncement “This is the worst I have ever felt in my life.” If a healthy 25 year old says these words, I am sympathetic.  If a middle-aged patient makes this statement, it is concerning.  But when Valerie, a 74 year old veteran of chronic illness, utters...
New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 1

New Year’s Resolutions and Relapses, Part 1

Resolutions and Relapses, Part 1 Originally Written 1/1/2021 Reposted 12/31/2023 Valerie looks haggard, but composed. Then when I ask, “How are you?” she dissolves into tears. “It’s back,” she sobs.  “It’s back!” Her words make me feel sick, and several thoughts flash...